Are you going to publish the book?

I don't know.  Right now I am interested in the process of creating a book.  There are a number of skill required for creating a book that I find fascinating.  As with many of the skills I've acquired, whether I use them directly or not, I am interested in expanding my understanding of how things work.  I got turned onto the process of writing a book as a subset of the items discussed in the Worldcraft Club Podcast.

Techniques I'm using 

After watching and listening to @SethRingWrites I decided to try my hand at doing some writing.  At the very least it is a chance to add one more skill to my backpack. Whether I end up publishing 20 books or never publishing anything, I feel like it will help to develop my creative processes. One thing that I noticed Seth Ring does, is he uses transcription for his writing.  

"Writing" using Transcription

These are the high level steps that @SethRingWrites mentioned in a recent stream.

Previously he had also mentioned using the Whisper AI (from OpenAI) to do the transcription. 

There are a lot of ways this could be done.  Using the cloud, and cloud based API's, or, it can also be done locally.  A lot of the time when you use Cloud Based API's, you end up running into storage limits, and API costs.  I think integrating cloud services for storing the Audio Files, and resulting documents (hopefully presented in a usable manner that are easily editable), but having the processing done locally (which as of writing this is still free) is a good balance. I use both Windows and Mac computers, but for automation and scripting I tend to start with Mac, because the command line on Mac is nearly the same as a Linux command line (I think it's maybe based on BSD?).

So, a while ago I had setup the Whisper AI and played around with it.  These are the steps, as far as I can piece together.  Perhaps latter I'll do a clean install and brush up my steps.  


(Worldcraft Club Podcast with Steelstash, Parts 1&2)


A tool for laying out the various aspects of a book

Plotter Pro

Another tool to check out.  Chapter headings, and bullet points.