Photo Editing

Photo Editing Notes

The following are notes I've made for myself for editing photos.  These are the tools that I've used, and some basic reminders for myself.

Photo Editing / Organizing Software

Right now I haven't found a better, or easier tool to use than Adobe Light Room Classic.  I don't do photo projects too often, so I just did the Photo Editing plan, and I'll cancel it ... assuming I remember (within 14 days so I didn't get hit with the early cancelation fee).

Photo Website Publishing

Okay, this one I'll break into two sections.  The first is that Goole Sites (which is hosting this site), is pretty easy as far as free sites go.  But, itn't great for making a site for people to review photos on.  I saw a number of ways you can do this, and they all seemed a bit complicated.  So, for a couple dollars a month, I've opted to go with a free tool to generate the HTML (The code that a browser would use to display the photos), and Amazon S3 for the actual hosting of the files. 


This is the tool that creates the website.  I use a Mac, so these are the commands I had to run:

% npm install -g thumbsup

% brew install exiftool

% brew install gm

% brew install graphicsmagick

Okay, now you don't need to tell me that this really isn't a lot to go on if you don't know what those commands actually do.  But remember, these notes are really just for myself.  So I can remember what I did the last time I did this.

When I actually created a site, these are the options I used:

% thumbsup --title "Edits - Quick" --input ./Edits_Quick --output ./ThumbsUp/Edits_Quick


The last thing that I did was simply host the files on S3.  I could do this using the (host this page as a website), but then it would be http, and I just don't like that, or I would have to setup Cloudfront or use Amplify.  These are all things I could do, since I do them at work, but I'm usually just hosting the files so whoever I took the photos for can review them, then download them. 

This is the bucket policy that opens up a bucket so that anybody can view it (after you have setup the "allow pubic" option):


    "Version": "2012-10-17",

    "Statement": [


            "Sid": "PublicRead",

            "Effect": "Allow",

            "Principal": "*",

            "Action": "s3:GetObject",

            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-photo-bucket/*"


